Bresland Insurance & Risk Specialists is an Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia. Founded in 1996 Insurance Advisernet operates in both New Zealand and Australia, delivering strength that allows Bresland Insurance & Risk Specialists the benefit of maintaining its local presence, whilst also being part of a national group for the products and services needed by our customers in today’s increasingly complex business world.
Bresland Insurance & Risk Specialists is proud to be an Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd AFSL No. 240549, a network of more than 250 insurance advisers across Australia and New Zealand. Insurance Advisernet is a principal member of the National Insurance Brokers Association and the largest member of the publicly listed AUB Group – one of the leading general insurance broking groups in Australasia with over 450,000 clients. This relationship gives Bresland Insurance & Risk Specialists access to unrivalled financial strength, business efficiencies and buying power that spans every major insurer in Australia and New Zealand, even access to major overseas insurers when required.
About Insurance Advisernet

Visit the Insurance Advisernet Website Insurance Advisernet
Bresland Insurance & Risk Specialists is an active member of the Insurance Industry in Australia and we are a proud member of the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA). To ensure our clients always enjoy the very best of cover and value, we also foster ongoing relationships with leading Australian Insurers. When required by our clients, we can also call upon strategic relationships with global insurers.

In the same as we believe in engaging directly with our customers, we play a role our community, sponsoring both the Morawa Farm Improvement Group and the Kondinin Community Crop for over a decade. Jaron is also an active sponsor of Kingsley Junior Cricket Club, having been a member for over 20 years while co-ordinating the Cricket Blast from 2017 to 2020. We also support Kondinin Golf Club and for the last six years have actively supported Morawa Bowls Club’s corporate bowls day.